About Ideate Games

Ideate Games is a non-commercial exploration of learning and games, particularly with topics in history, and some science and the humanities. Ideate Games website and apps are built and maintained by one retired programmer as a personal exploration in some of the trade-offs of learning and fun, learning and competitiveness, and ways to present/interact with content beyond the simple "testing" approach taken by many education games.

   The lead for Ideate Games is David Marques, a retired programmer. Ideate Games was built for fun and our own learning. After a doctorate in neuroscience and a few years in research, David has worked in technology for over 30 years: 15 years at Digital Equipment Corporation (software consulting, AI Research, Education Marketing, and Alta Vista); and 17 years at Reed Elsevier (CTO at Elsevier, CTO at Harcourt Education UK, VP Architecture and New Technology at Elsevier, Sr VP Research Data Services at Elsevier). David's biggest interest has been in trying to make games that are fun and compelling but still help students learn important content (or at least stimulate more interest), particularly in history and science. Now retired, this is his opportunity to pursue this elusive goal.
View David Marques's profile on LinkedIn

Jez Alder created the visual design, layout, icons, and processed the images for these games and the web site. He also suggested the Keyholes game. He works more than full time, so this is accomplished in his spare time. All the good looking stuff is his, all the mistakes are David's.

Gregory Marques is a full-time game designer, but not for Ideate Games. He has critiqued and made many helpful suggestions for the games here.

Ideate Games is interested in working with teachers (or their students) who would like to experiment with presenting or learning content in this game format. Requirements for the content are that it be broken into discrete items (50 or more makes a good game, possible with 25 items), that each item be associated with a number (date, quantity, even GPS) and have a unique image. Games with such content can be set up for exlusive class access. For more information, contact ideategames@gmail.com.